Teaching Experience

STCH410 Teaching Practicum: Mansfeld Middle School (7th Grade Science) — Fall 2015

Completed teaching practicum of at least 50 observation and instruction hours in a middle school classroom. Required 10 days of complete planning and instruction within the classroom. Collaborated with partner teacher to conduct lessons, experiments, and assessments of student understanding. Required planning and developing materials for instruction in the science classroom.

Preceptor – NROS215: Introduction to Electrophysiology Laboratory — Spring 2014

Facilitated laboratory experience for undergraduates through leading discussions and weekly laboratory demonstrations. Assisted in instruction of electrophysiological techniques through demonstrations, guidance, and hands-on learning experiences for students. Maintained stock of Sarcophaga bullata for electrophysiology experiments. Graded reports and practical examinations. Hosted office hours as needed.

STCH250 Placement: Tucson High School & Mansfeld Middle School — Spring 2013

Observed classroom interactions and student learning with guided direction from course material and mentor teacher. Planned and instructed hands-on laboratory experience regarding circuits for freshmen integrated science course and 7th grade science. Planned and instructed demonstration related to geological history and timeline to enhance student engagement through instruction. Generated assessments and evaluated student assessment and learning outcomes.

National Optical Astronomy Observatory: Project ASTRO Partner — Fall 2013 – Fall 2016

Partnerships: Kathy Roddy, Kingman Blended Learning Center and David Hansbrough, Mansfeld Middle School Provide expert level astronomy resources to K-12 classroom teachers for hands on learning experiences. Assist in planning educational opportunities and activities for both informal and formal learning opportunities at the school. Plan school-wide STEM Night with hands-on activities and telescope observing. Plan school-wide Astronomy Day with a variety of optics activities, hands-on astronomy activities, and observing.

STCH310 Placement: Amphitheater High School (Pre-AP Chemistry) — Fall 2013

Conducted student interviews to scaffold learning of stoichiometry and balancing chemical reactions. Planned assessment strategies to identify misconceptions regarding conservation of mass and conservation of energy. Lead instructional time posing an assessment and evaluating student outcomes.